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【Advisor Selection】Notice on 2022 Doctoral and Master's Advisor Appointment Qualification Selection and Admissions Qualification Review

Source:  Author:     Time:2021-06-28 14:43   Hits:  

To all faculty members,

Recently, the School has issued the Notice on 2022 Doctoral and Master's Advisor Appointment Qualification Selection and Admissions Qualification Review (see specified document contents in Attachment 0) which explains specific work arrangements and related work.

Please carefully study document requirements and submit relevant materials on time in accordance with the requirements.

Please refer to the University's requirements for basic appointment qualification selection and admissions qualification review conditions for advisors from discipline of Marxism. See Attachment 1 - Southwest Jiaotong University's Notice on the Issuance of Administrative Measures for Graduate Advisors (For Trial Implementation) for detailed requirements.

Regarding material submission, those intending to take part in 2022 doctoral and master's advisor appointment qualification selection (new advisors) and admissions qualification review (advisors selected in previous years) are requested to download and fill in specific forms according to the following requirements:

1. 2022 new doctoral advisors please download the folder Application Forms for New Doctoral Advisors;

2. 2022 new master's advisors please download the folder Application Forms for New Master's Advisors;

3. 2022 selected doctoral advisors please download the folder Application Forms for Doctoral Advisors Selected in Previous Years;

4. 2022 selected master's advisors please download the folder Application Forms for Master's Advisors Selected in Previous Years.

Please send completed relevant forms to email address before July 8, and submit paper copies in duplicate to school office X31235.

We sincerely appreciate your hard work in the School's graduate student development!

School of Marxism Graduate Student Academic Affairs Office